He’s the next Kobe Bryant, she’s the next Skylar Diggins!  From a very young age, gifted athletes hear this on a regular basis.  They are featured on every sports website and even some of the most popular networks.  While the exposure is great for recruiting for the next level, how do you help your gifted athlete stay grounded and focused?

John Wooden once said, “Sports do not build character.  They reveal it.”  At Unity Sports Group we are focused on building character, strength, and skill.  Therefore, we want to see each athlete’s character that is revealed through participation in our programs.  Once the character is revealed that’s when we help to further develop the athlete’s character in competition and life.


Observing the Character of Your Athlete

One of the first steps in understanding where a person is at in their character development is to watch them.  Watch them at home.  Watch them during competition.  Listen to what their teachers and coaches have to say about them.  In addition, what is your athlete learning from you?  I’m not talking about ball handling skills, jump shots, or lay ups.  I’m talking about how to handle disappointments, how to navigate the issues of life that can some times present the road block to their success.

Ask yourself this question?  If I were coaching a team would I want my child to lead them?  It’s an important step in the development and advancement of their careers.  There’s a saying, “Don’t let your gifts take you where your character can’t keep you.”

Developing the Character of Your Athlete

The process of developing character is one that is necessary.  The question is what steps are necessary to help my athlete:

First: Avoid the superstar treatment in the home.  Johnny or Suzy should both have responsibilities around the home that will help them build character while staying humble.  No one in the house should be too good to do anything.

Second: Hold a standard of expectation when it comes to classroom performance.  No, your child doesn’t need to be an Einstein, but they should be someone who gives maximum effort and works as hard in the classroom as they do on the court.

Third:  Are they working on developing their game? 

Skills to Develop Character

These are just a few tips to get you going!  We’re here to help you in developing your athlete to reach their fullest potential!